Bird Photos / Pine Siskin

Last Update: 11/7/2012

Joyce and I saw several Pine Siskins at our home bird feeders in early-mid November 2007. My Novabird Backyard Bird camera took these photos.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

The next birds were at our feeders in March 2009. The Novabird camera took these photos too.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

The siskins were still here as of April 11th, 2009. The Novabird camera took some photos of them this month too.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

These Pine Siskins shared the feeder with an acrobatic Goldfinch in early April 2009.

Pine Siskins and Goldfinch

I saw several Pine Siskins in the brush at Bosque del Apache NWR, NM on October 25th, 2009.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

These were on and around our feeders at home in late October 2012. They stuck around through Hurricane Sandy too.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin